Tolt Technologies

GazeAware Applications

For applications that share an eye gaze to work together, they need to cooperate.

Two common issues that occur are:

  • Some eye gaze cameras can only have one process reading the eye gaze data at a time (e.g. EyeTech DS TM5 Mini, Irisbond Duo & Hiru, Alea Intelligaze, etc.).  When one app takes over, the previous app needs to release the camera
  • Mouse emulation toolbar can overlay an app that doesn't need mouse emulation, because it processes eye gaze directly rather than through mouse clicks

Here is a sample proposal of how eye gaze apps can be aware of each other so they can coordinate handoff:

Eye Gaze Aware Discussion
Eye Gaze Aware Discussion. GitHub Gist: instantly share code, notes, and snippets.

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About Jay Beavers
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